and a bee keeping farm where we had a taste of some type of delicious honey tea. The bees where everywhere. Not to mention the butterflies! Huge, a flap of their wings will blow your hair back! Well maybe not that big but, big enough to scare the crap out of me. Although throughout this trip I must say that I have built up somewhat of a tolerance. Anyhow, our adventure was not just by boat, but we also took this rickety contraption to a smaller boat in order to go through the smaller channels of the delta.

The ride was a bit bumpy!
We then took these boats, the Australian family in this picture got hats with their boat. Where's are hats, boat driver. I guess I'll have to "find" one of my own (foreshadow)

The boat took us to a family restaurant, by family restaurant, I do mean we floated up to someone's front yard they had converted into an eating area. The way many family businesses are kept in Vietnam. We ate this delicious guy!

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