Tuesday, January 18, 2011

So as I was saying... Drama on the Mekong

Okay so the last post did not exactly match it's title. This was no mistake we did get into an altercation. But the day began with a very calm day on the delta. Our itinerary included a trip to the floating markets to take a looksie at the day-to-day transactions of the local people selling produce to other locals. Weaving in and out of the markets is like trying to shop at the grocery store when everyone gets off of work. It's super busy. Lots of commotion. The boats indicate what they're selling by attaching their produce to what would otherwise be used as a flagpole located near the bow of the boat.

It was really fun to watch. As we started making our way out of the traffic of the markets, I had my attention turned towards the opposite direction to take my last shots of the floating markets, when I heard a bang followed by a splash. It turns out our boat hit the propeller of another boat, usually the propeller engine unit is attached to the boat to prevent losing an the motor, but this guy's wasn't and the splash was the guy's whole engine contraption. Of course this turned the entire markets attention to our boat. At that moment we were the center of the Mekong. Yelling and confusion did of course ensue. People hopped on our boat others jumped on. I only caught the end. And I don't know how the kid got there.

YouTube Video


Location:Center of attention

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